When street outreach and housing navigator Jess first met Randy in a small encampment while providing outreach services last October. He didn't have an ID or a social security card, but he was ready and determined to get into housing. A few weeks ago, he moved into an apartment of his own.
Randy first became homeless after his mother died 13 years ago. Originally from Colorado, he moved around a bit until landing in Nashville about five years ago. Without documents and with arrears from a previous housing situation on his record, obtaining housing was not a simple process for him. He has maintained jobs consistently throughout our whole time working with him, but even working full time, he couldn't make enough to move into housing. Despite all of the challenges and hardships, though, he stayed persistent and positive.

Soon after meeting him, Jess helped Randy move into temporary housing that was more accessible for him as they worked on tackling the barriers keeping him from permanent housing. In addition to getting an ID and social security card, Randy had another need that might not have been as apparent — he needed glasses. Randy's eyesight made things like working or even just walking around very difficult for him, and he was unable to afford glasses or a trip to the eye doctor. Thanks to VSP Vision's Eyes of Hope program Jess was able to connect Randy with eye care so he could get a brand new pair of glasses and see clearly for the first time in years.

While continuing to provide for Randy's immediate needs, Jess applied him for a Section 8 voucher. After months of waiting for his referral to come up, we are so excited to finally get to welcome Randy into his new home! This apartment means a fresh start for him to focus more on his wellbeing and his passions rather than having to constantly spend all of his energy on trying to survive. He is most excited to have his own kitchen where he can foster his love of cooking and make home cooked meals for himself.
Randy's move in is the culmination of so many people coming together out of love and care for their neighbors. Many of the outreach supplies Jess provided him with as well as his beloved new kitchen items were donated. His arrears were covered by grant funding. Donors and supporters helped cover the cost of his documents. A dedicated outreach team stuck with him and supported him along the way. And Randy himself worked so hard and is so proud of taking this next step. His story is just one example of the amazing things that happen when we take care of each other. Welcome home, Randy!